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Le Jardin de mon enfance

Start with the roots...

During my self-development, I gradually discovered that gardens have always been a key element for me since my early childhood and throughout my whole life. Being in gardens, I learned to discover the outside world, but also learned to turn inwards, to better understand my inner world.


Gardens have been important for many members of my family. For both of my grandfathers, gardens were an important space in their lives. I always observed both of my parents gardening with pleasure, and I carry these memories with me, in my backpack. My childhood garden was a huge one where I spent lots of time. Early on, it played a key role in opening a space for free imagination, childhood games and learning, and later on, a space for reflection. And now, this childhood garden symbolizes and constitutes my roots, who I am currently, as well as the new facets of life that I am discovering. Gardens are a source, a base, a living school, a living university: a small world reflecting the big world.



How do you open your eyes to the world around you? 


What happens when, with open eyes, we awaken to the living present?


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